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2021 CuraCore VET and Narda G. Robinson, DO, DVM, MS, FAAMA
Acupuncture is a medical treatment in which tiny needles are inserted into the body at specific neuroanatomical sites. This practice, which has been around for thousands of years, has been scientifically proven to help treat not only musculoskeletal pain, but also other medical conditions including respiratory, neurological, gastrointestinal and metabolic disorders. Stimulating acupuncture points helps the nervous system regulate the body and heal on its own.
Human acupuncture points have been extrapolated to animals and now acupuncture is a widely accepted treatment in veterinary medicine. Most cats and dogs tolerate acupuncture very well and in fact, often become relaxed and even sleepy during the treatment. Once a patient is comfortable with dry needling, Dr. Bellemare may introduce electro-
acupuncture whereby the needles are attached to low-level electrical stimulation. Electroacupuncture has been proven to have more profound and longer lasting benefits.
The first visit, which will take about an hour, will involve a detailed medical history, review of medical records, myofascial exam and treatment. Usually acupuncture is most beneficial weekly for the first several weeks and then treatments can be reduced to monthly depending on the condition and response. Dr. Bellemare will come to your home where pets are most comfortable, and it is ideal to have a member of the household present during treatment.
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